self portrait early 2023

Hey there! Thanks for visiting Dry Humor Me. I’m the author and creator Allison Taylor Conway. I’ve been so many things in my life I don’t even know where to start, but the general stuff is that I’m a 45 year old newly sober person, writer and artist, exploring the overarching themes of addiction and recovery as they relate the individual, as well as to our ever-evolving modern culture. Most recently I’m also adding in the layer of recovering my inner artist as part of my long term addiction recovery. I want to better understand my creative self, now with a clear mind, heart, and soul. I drank for many decades, so this is all very new to me. Sharing about it helps! :)

Most relevant to the work I put out here on Substack: In January 2022 I got sober and entered what I would later understand is recovery from addiction and trauma. My earliest posts here on Dry Humor Me are the story of my journey from newly sober person, to one-year-sober person, to sober coach (I still offer sobriety coaching tools to free and paid subscribers). I’ve read every conceivable book on addiction and recovery, I’ve listened to thousands of podcasts, got my coaching certificate in addiction recovery, and still follow it all obsessively closely.

I love to speak, and so I’ve recently started offering more of my posts with my audio as well. Around the beginning of 2024, my perspective on all things addiction, recovery, culture and creativity began to expand much more broadly. I’m hoping the more I feel comfortable to share, the more our relationship can grow and conversations deepen.

I’m married 17 years to my dear husband, John. I’m the mama bear to one adult kiddo, and family is deeply important to all of us. We’ve got a big one, and it’s fantastic. Oh yeah - and I retired from corporate America in late 2022 (fuck yes). Gotta say: I love being a writer and speaker the most and I hope I do it for a long, long time to come! Life and love are wild things, and they’re way better sober than I ever could have imagined.

I’m so glad you are here! See you on the inside. x

Get my memoir ‘Love Me Sober: How I broke up with booze and came home to myself’ (2023) for a limited time as a digital download here. (This offer expires in July 2024.)

Get my inspirational book of poetry & prose Luminae’ (2018) on Amazon here.

Always feel free to email me at

I do not have any active social media accounts. :)

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Learning to love myself again after recovering from alcohol addiction. Exploring themes of self-discovery, self-expression, creativity, and courage.


Drinking looks strange from the sober side of things. I write about my alcohol addiction recovery; life as I saw it then and see it now. Author, artist, etc.